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  • 位置>千里馬招標(biāo)網(wǎng)> 招標(biāo)中心> 中化能源泉州石化26萬(wàn)噸/年丙烯腈項(xiàng)目廢酸再生裝置轉(zhuǎn)化器采購(gòu)國(guó)際招標(biāo)項(xiàng)目公告


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    截止時(shí)間: 立即查看 招標(biāo)編號(hào): 立即查看
    項(xiàng)目名稱: 立即查看 代理機(jī)構(gòu): 立即查看
    關(guān)鍵信息: 能源 丙烯 轉(zhuǎn)化器  招標(biāo)文件: 立即查看
    下文中****為隱藏內(nèi)容,僅對(duì)千里馬會(huì)員用戶開放, 【注冊(cè)/登錄】 后可查看內(nèi)容詳情






    1. ****(招標(biāo)代理機(jī)構(gòu))受****(招標(biāo)人)委托,以國(guó)際招標(biāo)方式邀請(qǐng)潛在投標(biāo)人就下列貨物和有關(guān)服務(wù)提交密封投標(biāo):





















    *3. 對(duì)投標(biāo)人的資質(zhì)業(yè)績(jī)要求:


    2) 投標(biāo)人應(yīng)當(dāng)提供在開標(biāo)日前3個(gè)月內(nèi)由****銀行****銀行資信證明的原件或復(fù)印件。

    3) 投標(biāo)人在投標(biāo)前需在中國(guó)國(guó)際招標(biāo)網(wǎng)(以下簡(jiǎn)稱“招標(biāo)網(wǎng)”,網(wǎng)址:http:// www.****.com)成功注冊(cè)。

    4) 信譽(yù)要求:

    ① 2020年1月1日至今,境內(nèi)投標(biāo)人在國(guó)家企業(yè)信用信息公示系統(tǒng)中未被列入嚴(yán)重違法失信企業(yè)名單或列入經(jīng)營(yíng)異常名錄信息,在“信用中國(guó)”網(wǎng)站(www.****.cn)或各級(jí)信用信息共享平臺(tái)中未列入失信被執(zhí)行人名單。


    ② 2020年1月1日至今,境外投標(biāo)人在中國(guó)境內(nèi)沒有不良業(yè)績(jī)記錄或嚴(yán)重質(zhì)量問題,否則其投標(biāo)也將被否決。


    ③ 投標(biāo)人未被列入中國(guó)中化、****公司及****公司供應(yīng)商黑名單庫(kù)(名單以投標(biāo)截止時(shí)間為準(zhǔn));

    5) 本次招標(biāo)只接受生產(chǎn)商/制造商,不接受代理商投標(biāo),不接受流通商投標(biāo)。


    6) 資質(zhì)要求:境內(nèi)投標(biāo)人須具有有效的 A2 級(jí)及以上壓力容器特種設(shè)備制造許可證。如投標(biāo)人為境外生產(chǎn)商/制造商,必須具有中華人民**國(guó)頒發(fā)的A2級(jí)及以上壓力容器特種設(shè)備制造許可證,或提供在合同執(zhí)行階段有能力提供上述證書的承諾函(投標(biāo)人須提供符合上述要求的證明材料加蓋公章裝訂在投標(biāo)文件中)。

    7) 業(yè)績(jī)要求:



    8) 本項(xiàng)目不接受聯(lián)合體投標(biāo)。


    4. 有興趣的潛在投標(biāo)人可于2023年7月7日至2023年7月14日每天(節(jié)假日除外)8:30至17:00時(shí)(**時(shí)間)在下列地點(diǎn)網(wǎng)上報(bào)名和下載招標(biāo)文件,平臺(tái)使用及技術(shù)支持費(fèi)為2000元人民幣或300美元。任何未在****進(jìn)行報(bào)名和下載招標(biāo)文件的法人或其他組織均不得參加投標(biāo)。






    (2)在獲取招標(biāo)文件后,投標(biāo)人需登陸中化能源采購(gòu)供應(yīng)鏈SCM平臺(tái)(https://scm.****.com)進(jìn)行注冊(cè)(免費(fèi)),在“【平臺(tái)通知】投標(biāo)人參與招標(biāo)項(xiàng)目操作指南”中下載“中化能源投標(biāo)管家”,并上傳標(biāo)書獲取憑證(發(fā)票)(務(wù)必在獲取招標(biāo)文件截止時(shí)間前上傳,否則將導(dǎo)致投標(biāo)人后續(xù)無(wú)法上傳電子投標(biāo)文件),審核完畢后,需在SCM平臺(tái)點(diǎn)擊標(biāo)書下載才能進(jìn)行后續(xù)流程,SCM平臺(tái)技術(shù)支持電話:400-****-8227 轉(zhuǎn) 2。


    (1)投標(biāo)文件(紙質(zhì)文件+電子文件)須按招標(biāo)文件要求密封后于投標(biāo)截止時(shí)間前送達(dá)或郵寄至開標(biāo)地點(diǎn)(收件人:陳曉梅,+86 189****9524),否則不予接收。

    (2)成功購(gòu)買文件的潛在投標(biāo)人確認(rèn)參加投標(biāo)的,需在網(wǎng)上遞交投標(biāo)文件前,至中化能源SCM集采平臺(tái)(https://scm.****.com)首頁(yè),根據(jù)提示進(jìn)行企業(yè)CA辦理事宜,并完成CA綁定。未辦理CA將不能進(jìn)行投標(biāo)文件的簽章、加密、提交。完成CA的綁定后,在中化能源 SCM 集采平臺(tái)下載投標(biāo)管家工具(附帶操作手冊(cè)),通過投標(biāo)管家完成投標(biāo)文件的遞交,全流程完成的標(biāo)志為供應(yīng)商獲得“投標(biāo)回執(zhí)”。





    電話:+86 189****9524、+86 152****2906,





    5. 外幣支付平臺(tái)使用及技術(shù)服務(wù)費(fèi)的賬號(hào):





    SWIFT Code:BKCH CN BJ 110


    Date: July.,7th, 2023

    Bid No.: ****

    1. Entrusted by Sinochem Energy High-Tech Co., LTD Shanghai Branch (Tenderee), Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd. (Tendering Agent) invites sealed bids from eligible potential bidders in terms of following goods and associated service in the manner of international bidding.






    Intermediate reheat exchanger 2562-04-R-1503


    Delivered as a whole, exceeding the limit; built in the converter, and the bidder is responsible for assembling it into the converter on site.


    Heat exchanger 2562-04-R-1502


    Delivered as a whole, exceeding the limit; built in the converter, and the bidder is responsible for assembling it into the converter on site.


    Converter 2562-04-R-1501


    Prefabricated in the factory, delivered as foundation, and assembled on site by the bidder.

    (Details shall be found in Section 8 Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specifications.)

    2. Interested Potential bidders may obtain further information and refer to Bidding

    Documents from Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd.

    *3. Qualification and Performance requirements to the bidders:

    1) The bidder must have a valid business license or business license certificate.

    2) The bidder shall provide the original or photocopy of the bank credit certificate issued by the bank where the basic account is opened within 3 months before the bid opening date.

    3) The bidders shall successfully register on China International Tendering Website (hereinafter referred to as bidding.com , website: http:// www.****.com) before bidding.

    4) Credibility requirements:

    ① From January 1, 2020 to the present, the domestic bidders have not been listed in the national enterprise credit information public display system or in the business exception list, and have not been listed in the Credit China website (www.****.cn) or credit information sharing platform at all levels. The list of executed persons in breach of trust.

    Supporting materials: Bidders should provide Credit China (www.****.cn) and National Enterprise Credit Information Public Platform (http://www.****.cn). The screenshot should be stamped with the official seal of the bidder and attached to the bid document.

    ② From January 1, 2020 to present, overseas bidders have no bad performance records or serious quality problems in China, otherwise their bids will also be rejected.

    Supporting materials: Bidders must provide a letter of commitment.

    ③ Bidders are not listed in the blacklist database of suppliers of Sinochem, Sinochem Energy Co., Ltd. and Sinochem Quanzhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd. (the list is subject to the deadline of bidding);

    5) The bidder must be the manufacturer, not the agent, not the distributor.

    Supporting materials (bound in the bid document): the bidder must provide the manufacturer's qualification statement stamped with the bidder's official seal.

    6) Domestic bidders must have valid manufacturing licenses for special equipment of pressure vessels of A2 level and above.If the bidder is a foreign manufacturer, it must have the manufacturing license of special equipment for pressure vessels of A2 level or above issued by the People's Republic of China, or provide a letter of commitment to provide the above certificates at the stage of contract execution (the bidder must provide supporting materials that meet the above requirements and bind them in the bidding documents with official seal).

    7) Performance requirements:

    From January 1, 2012 to present (subject to contract signing time), the bidder has 1set supply performance of converter of waste acid regeneration unit in China.

    Supporting materials:

    The bidder must provide the contract, technical attachments, etc. of the corresponding performance, which shall at least include the project name, user name, specification and model parameters, signing date, signature and seal page, etc. If the contract, technical attachments, and other supporting documents are not clear or not provided, they shall be deemed invalid.

    8) The Joint Venture bidding shall not be accepted in this bidding project.

    The bidder and the bid evaluation committee reserve the right to review the originals of qualification certificates, performance and relevant information. If they are found to be falsified, the bid will be rejected.

    4.(electronic version) online from 8:30 AM to 17:00 PM (Beijing time) every day from July., 7th, 2023 to July., 14th, 2023 (except holidays). The fee for platform use and technical support is RMB 2000 or USD 300. Bidders that did not register and download the bidding documents from Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd. shall be rejected.

    Address for bidding documents: Sinochem Commerce Electronic Bidding Platform Website

    Contact person for bidding documents: Sinochem Commerce Electronic Bidding Platform


    Tel: 86+10-****1277

    4.1 Registration instructions (important):

    (1) Online registration and downloading bidding documents: Login to Sinochem Business Electronic Bidding Platform (e.sinochemitc.com), potential bidders need to register online first (free of charge), pay the platform use and technical support fee through online, and after successful payment, you can download the bidding documents and VAT electronic ordinary invoice. (Contact number for technical support of Sinochem Business e-tendering platform: 010-****1277).

    (2) After obtaining the bidding documents, bidders need to register (free of charge) on the SCM platform of Sinochem Energy Procurement Supply Chain (https://scm.****.com) and download [Platform Notice] Operation Guide for Bidders to Participate in Bidding Projects . Sinochem Energy Bid Manager , and upload the bid acquisition certificate (invoice) (must be uploaded before the deadline for obtaining tender documents, otherwise it will lead to the bidder's subsequent inability to upload electronic tender documents), after the audit, you need to click on the tender download in SCM platform to carry out the subsequent process, SCM platform technical support telephone: 400-****-8227 ext. 2.

    4.2 Bidding instructions (important):

    (1) Bidding documents (paper documents + electronic documents) must be sealed according to the requirements of the tender documents and delivered or mailed to the tender opening site before the tender deadline, otherwise they will not be accepted.

    (2) Potential bidders who have successfully purchased the documents to confirm their participation in the tender must go to the home page of SCM collection platform of Sinochem Energy (https://scm.****.com) and complete CA binding according to the prompts before submitting the tender documents online. Without CA, you will not be able to sign, encrypt and submit the bidding documents. After completing the binding of CA, download the bid manager tool (with operation manual) from SCM procurement platform of Sinochem Energy and complete the submission of bid documents through the bid manager, the sign of completion of the whole process is that the supplier gets the bid receipt .

    (3) When the electronic version of the document is inconsistent with the paper document, the paper document shall prevail.

    For Project Inquiry:

    Contact address for the Project: 25th Floor, Building B, Ping’an Fortune Center, No. 24 Lize Road, Fengtai District, Beijing.****. 100073, P. R. China.

    Contact person: Ms. Chen Xiaomei, Mr. Qiu Shaowei, Mr. Chang Gang, Mr. Chen Zhichao

    Tel: +86 189****9524, +86 152****2906,

    E -Mail: ****@sinochem.com, ****@sinochem.com,

    5. All Bids must be delivered to the following address before 9:30 a 2023(Beijing time). Time for bid opening ceremony is 9:30 a.m., Jul., 28th, 2023 (Beijing time). Due to the need of epidemic prevention and control, representatives of bidders who cannot participate in the bid opening ceremony on site will be invited to attend the online bid opening ceremony at that time. The online bid opening ceremony will be conducted in the form of Tencent conference, please download Tencent conference software (free of charge) in advance. The conference ID and conference password will be informed to the bidders by email 3 days before the bid opening.

    Address for bid submission and bid opening: Meeting Room, 23rd Floor, Building B, Ping’an Fortune Center, No. 24 Lize Road, Fengtai District, Beijing.****.

    Submission method of bid documents: Bidders shall deliver or mail the bid documents, and both methods shall guarantee the bid documents to reach the submission location specified in the bidding documents before the deadline for submission of bid documents. Mailing address: Meeting Room, 23rd Floor, Building B, Ping’an Fortune Center, No. 24 Lize Road, Fengtai District, Beijing China. Chen Xiaomei 189****9524.

    6. Foreign currency account number for paying the fee for platform use and technical support.

    Account name: Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd

    Bank of China: Bank of China Limited Beijing Fengtai Sub-branch

    U.S. dollar account number: 349****25282

    Euro account number: 348****37855

    SWIFT Code:BKCH CN BJ 110

    Bidders are requested to indicate in the remittance envelope, in order, when remitting the fee for platform use and technical support: ① the last four digits of the tender number, i.e.: ZX439 ; ② the fee for platform use and technical support; ③ the name of the bidder.









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